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un materano a Londra
Fabio Montemurro
Managing Consultant - LondonFabio Montemurro has a background in industrial and aerospace engineering. His work focuses on innovation and optimisation of energy systems, due diligences and techno-economic assessment of new energy storage, biomass to energy and photovoltaic technologies, and broadly on low carbon transport and grid decarbonisation. Prior to joining E4tech he worked in the Systems and Technologies Division of EADS Astrium Satellite in Germany as a system engineer and simulator developer for scientific space missions, and as an independent consultant to the aerospace industry. Fabio holds degrees in Aerospace Engineering (cum laude) from the University of Pisa and Industrial Engineering (cum laude) from the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, and obtained an MSc (Dist) in Sustainable Energy Futures from Imperial College London. He also holds two patents in the field of control engineering. Fabio speaks Italian, English, German and French.
Energy systems and innovation, modelling and optimization, energy storage, vehicle electrification, smart grid, lifecycle GHG analysis, demand side management, novel photovoltaic technologies, biomass combined heat and power.